View of the city skyline with bright green lights beaming out from a building

Free space optical design

Custom modems and solutions for free space optical communication systems

Close-up image of tweezers grabbing onto a semiconductor

Modem, FEC, and DSP solutions for free space optics

Our design solutions for free space optical systems development include optical framing protocols and simulation/emulation for various optical communications channels.

  • Custom data rates
  • Real-time channel emulation
  • SerDes Framer Interface Level 4 (SFI-4) line interface
  • MSA-compatible optical modules
Image of lightwaves going across a computer screen

Viasat design expertise

To address your specific free space optical communication systems needs, we have experience with: 

  • Free space optical links for 2.5G, 10G, 40G
  • Optical downlinks in a fading channel with high-speed FECs and channel interleavers
  • Field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware for use in satellite cross link and laser terminal system segments
  • Hardware that integrates with the system emulation test bench for design optimization
  • Interleavers to combat atmospheric scintillation effects

Contact us

Looking for an innovative solution? Talk to us about your needs.

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